Monday 091219

A thruster build up to a heavy daily max @ 92-95% 1RM 18 min B For time 10 thrusters @ 85% 400m run 20 thrusters @ 75% 400m run 30 thrusters @ 65% cut off 16

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Sunday 081219

Team 2 WOD 8 rounds for time 12 chest to bar pull ups (Rx+ = bar muscle ups) 33 wall balls 20/14lbs 19 hang power cleans 50/35kg

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Saturday 071219

Amrap 14 6 strict handstand push ups 12 pistol squats (Rx = 20/16kg goblet hold) 12 kipping handstand push ups 12 pistol squats (Rx = 20/16kg goblet hold)

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Wednesday 041219

Team 2 WOD 12 clean and jerks 50/35kg 12 burpees over the bar 12 toes to bar 12 clean and jerks 60/40kg 12 burpees over the bar 12 toes to bar 12 clean and jerks 70/47.5kg 12 burpees over the bar 12 toes to bar 12 clean and jerks 80/55kg 12 burpees over the bar…

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Tuesday 031219

A Assault bike 12 rounds of: 10sec max effort sprint 20sec rest B find a heavy single Moving well is better than lifting heavy today. C EMOM8 3 reps @ 75% of B

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Monday 021219

5 Rounds for time 12 double kettlebell swings 24/16kg 12 double kettlebell push press 24/16kg 12 per leg double kettlebell walking lunges 24/16kg

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