Thursday 300120

A L-sit hold on the parallets in 5 minutes accumulate as much time in L sit up as possible. 4 min transition time to B B 21-15-9 toes to bar dumbbell snatches 22.5/15kg cut off 5

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Tuesday 280120

A Clean Build up to a heavy (not max) single 4 min rest & transition time to B B For time 9-6-3 clean @ 75% of A 6-4-2 rope climbs cut off 25

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Monday 270120

7 Rounds for time 5 strict shoulder press 45/30kg 8 push press 45/30kg 11 push jerks 45/30kg cut off 25 If they drop the bar or take a break during a round, punish them severely

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Sunday 260120

A overhead squat 3 x 5 @ 80% 1RM 3sec hold at the bottom of each rep max 20 min 4 min rest & transition time B 3 Rounds for time 8 bar muscle ups 8 overhead squats (80% of A) cut off 5

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