Monday 200120

Team 2 WOD 4 Rounds for time, with a buddy Buddy 1 does: 14 chest to bar pull ups 14 pistol squats (16/12kg goblet hold) Buddy 2 does: stone hold on chest 55/40kg Once both buddies have done the pull ups and pistols, that’s a completed round.

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Friday 170120

3 Rounds for time 12 double KB snatch (16/12kg per hand) 15m double KB overhead lunge walk (16/12kg per hand) 8 muscle ups cut off 12

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Wednesday 150120

30min for QUALITY!!! 8 strict ring dips with 2sec pause at the top in external rotation 8 strict handstand push up 10m handstand walk

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Tuesday 140120

Team 2 WOD Amrap 14 8 bar muscle ups 12 burpees 16 hang power snatches 50/35kg one works, one rests, switch whenever wants

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Monday 130120

A Clean build up to a heavy touch and go triple max 12 min B 5 Rounds for time 5 clusters (75% of A) 7 box jumps 24/20 cut off 7

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