Sunday 070221

4 Rounds for time of: 12 shoulder press 50/35 18 bent over rows 50/35 30/22 calories assault bike or 40/30 calories row

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Friday 050221

Amrap 14 8 stone to shoulders 55/43 12 stone squats 55/43 10 burpees over the stone Stone can be held any way they want on the squat

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Wednesday 030221

For time 30 DB ground to overhead 22.5/15kg per hand 30 DB alternating front rack lunges 22.5/15kg per hand 30 DB box step overs 22.5/15kg per hand 30 DB alternating front rack lunges 22.5/15kg per hand 30 DB ground to overhead 22.5/15kg per hand

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Monday 010221

For time 35 thrusters @ 25/15 60 double unders 25 thrusters @ 35/20 50 double unders 15 thrusters @ 45/30 40 double unders 5 thrusters @ 55/40 30 double unders

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