Saturday 110720

Team WOD 2!!! 3 Rounds 20 synchronized hang power snatches @ 30/20kg 20 synchronized burpees 20 synchronized pistols cut off 16

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Friday 100720

Amrap 18 14 pull ups 14 double kettlebell swings @ 20/12kg per hand 14 alternating front rack lunges @ 20/12kg per hand

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Wednesday 080720

A = strenght Back squat = 18min Load up 85% of estimated 1RM and do 1 set to failure. rest & transition to B = 4min B = conditioning 21-15-9 thrusters @ 35/22.5kg strict pull ups cut off 7

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Monday 060720

For reps of: 50/35 calories row or 38/26 calories bike @ 100% max effort = max 3min rest 2min 50/35 calories row or 38/26 calories bike @ 100% max effort = max 3min rest 2min 3min AMRAP of burpees max time 15min total score is max reps burpees, i If you don’t make the cardio…

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Saturday 040720

4 Rounds for reps 30sec handstand hold rest 15sec 30sec dead hang on bar rest 15sec 30sec max reps front squats 30/20kg rest 15sec 30sec max shoulder taps rest 15sec 30sec active hang/chin over bar hang rest 15sec 30sec max reps hang power snatches @ 30/20kg rest 90sec total score is max reps shoulder taps,…

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