Tuesday 210720

A = strength front squat 8-8-8-8-8 @ 62% 1RM ring dip 12-12-12-12-12 Add weight or elastic to be able to complete all 12 reps unbroken and have 2-3 in the tank B = conditioning Amrap 8 12 L-ups (small kip) 6 burpee pull ups

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Sunday 190720

A Deadlift Build up to a daily max 92-95% 1RM Max 15min rest & transition time = 5 min B EMOM10 8 deadlift @ 50% of A 30-50 double unders

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Saturday 180720

A = strength shoulder press 4-6 x 8 @ 60% 1RM max time 17min rest & transition time to B = 4min B = conditioning 3 Rounds for time: 15 push press @ 40/27.5kg 50 double unders cut off 6 max time A & B = 27 min

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Monday 130720

For time: 30 DB ground to overhead 30 DB alternating front rack lunges 30 DB box step overs 30 DB alternating front rack lunges 30 DB ground to overhead Rx = 22.5/15kg per hand for all exercises cut off 12

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