Wednesday 090920

EMOM10 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch (no dropping the bar between reps, but straps are allowed) start 65% of snatch 1RM and add weight every round.

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Tuesday 080920

20min for quality 5 strict handstand push ups (Rx+ = wall facing) 7 strict pull ups 9 HSPU (Rx+ = wall facing) 11 Kipping/butterfly pull ups

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Monday 070920

A = Strength Overhead squat heavy single B – Conditioning 5 rounds of: 5 overhead squat @ 75% of A 200m run cut off 10

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Sunday 060920

A = strength Reverse lunge 5 sets x 5 per leg Finish all reps on the weak leg first before switching to the strong one B = conditioning Amrap 9 12 double KB swings @ 20/12kg per hand 14 double KB front squats 35 double unders

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Wednesday 020920

A Deadlift 3RM Build up to a 3RM touch and go! B 4 Rounds for time 12/9 cals row bike or 8/6 cals A-bike 12 deadlifts @ 60% of A cut off 7

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