Tuesday 101120

A = power Snatch complex 2 Snatch pulls + 1 hang power snatch + 1 snatch balance 6 sets, building up weight. Straps are allowed. max time 15min B = conditioning 8 Rounds for max reps 20sec max overhead squats @ 50/35 10sec rest 20sec max chest to bar pull ups 10sec rest max time…

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Monday 091120

5 Rounds for time 12 ring dips 15 kettlebell swings @ 32/24 18/14 kcal bike or 25/20 row @ max effort rest 40sec cut off 16

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Saturday 071120

A = power squat clean & jerk build up to a heavy single max 17min B = conditioning 10 Rounds for time 3 power clean and jerks @ 80% of A 10 box jump overs @ 24/20inch, no need to extend on top cut off 13

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Thursday 051120

A = strength Snatch complex 5 sets, building up weight. 2 power snatches + 1 snatch balance rest 90sec-2min between sets B = conditioning 20-15-10-5 hang power snatches @ 40/27.5 bar facing burpees cut off 10

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Monday 021120

A1 = strength Hang power clean 3-3-3-3-3 @ 74% 1RM max time 15min A2 = plyometrics Broad jumps 3-3-3-3-3 max time 7min B = conditioning Amrap 6 8 box jumps into squat landing 8 toes to bar

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